Land Rover Supports World AIDS Day with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

28 November 2011

Land Rover's partnership with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is supporting World AIDS Day on 1 December 2011.

Land Rover's partnership with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is supporting World AIDS Day on 1 December 2011. The partnership forms part of an integrated approach to sustainability and the IFRC is one of Land Rover's six Global Humanitarian & Conservation Partners within Land Rovers' Our Planet.

In 2010, the IFRC and Land Rover launched a three‑year partnership entitled 'Reaching Vulnerable People Around the World'. Amongst numerous global projects, the initiative provides support for the Red Cross HIV programmes in South Africa, China and the Netherlands.

South Africa is one of the countries worst affected by HIV.  One thousand people die everyday from AIDS related illnesses and 5.6 million have HIV.  In rural KwaZulu‑Natal, one in seven people aged two and over are living with the disease. One in five children has lost one or both parents to the virus. This is one of the poorest regions of South Africa, people can be hours from the nearest clinic, and even farther from a hospital. Many have to stop working when they become sick and need to find new ways of providing for their families. 

Together with Land Rover, the IFRC have helped over 240 orphans and vulnerable children with practical and emotional support in the last year, plus supporting 271 people living with HIV with home‑based care. In addition, the programme has helped to share HIV prevention messages with more than 7,675 people, as well as providing orphans and vulnerable children a nutritious meal at the Red Cross Kids club, often their only meal of the day.

The global initiative has also stretched to the Far East, helping over 39,109 people affected by HIV / AIDS via the Red Cross Society ofChinain the past year. This included providing education and awareness information on how to prevent infection, as well as care, treatment and support for people living with HIV / AIDS and their families.

Over 354 homes received a visit from a Red Cross volunteer, who helped to provide support via family visits including assisting with anti‑retro viral drug treatment and monitoring blood counts, so those affected can manage the virus and stay healthy.

Twenty‑four of the most vulnerable households, with family members severely affected by HIV, received vital livelihood support from the Red Cross. This included a home‑care package of food, essential household items and warm clothes delivered to their door. An additional 100 beneficiaries were reached in the first quarter of 2011, demonstrating the increasing impact that the programme is having in the target area.

Mark Cameron, Global Brand Extension Director for Land Rover said; "Land Rover is delighted that our all‑terrain vehicles are able to reach and help those most vulnerable from around the world. 

We are extremely proud of our relationship with the world's largest humanitarian network and all that they do ‑ from emergency relief operations and assisting victims of disasters, to the daily development work undertaken by the individual National Societies.

We recognise that health and community care in some parts of the world require additional support and we hope to match our vehicles' 'Go Anywhere' capabilities in the provision of aid to those that require it most."

Mark Astarita, Director of Fundraising at the British Red Cross added; "We are incredibly grateful for Land Rover's commitment to our work in trying to combat HIV and AIDS. This terrible disease leaves children without parents, people too weak to work and communities without hope.

We work with the Red Cross in countries such as South Africa to ensure that individuals can protect themselves and manage to rebuild their lives with our help, advice and support. Land Rover gives us the extra ability to reach even more people and change even more lives."

Land Rover Netherlandsand the Netherlands Red Cross (NLRC) allocated a donation of € 20,000 to the project Children & HIV, as well as providing ten vehicles on loan. This project was the main theme of the 3FM action week in December 2010 and the concept consisted of three DJ's being locked up in a glass house without food, playing music for the good cause. The event raised €7.1 million overall.

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Media Enquiries:

WaiLo Li, Press Officer for Land Rover Global Humanitarian & Conservation Partnerships +44 (0)7557847561 or 

Notes to Editors:

  • The Global Humanitarian & Conservation Partnerships form part of an integrated approach to sustainability and sit within Land Rovers' Our Planet. ( )
  • The global initiative focuses on two extensive Red Cross community programmes in China and Sierra Leone. Land Rover also provides additional support for Red Cross and Red Crescent programmes in Austria, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom and the United States of America.
  • The IFRC and Land Rover partnership has seen the company provide over £4 million in support since 2007.
  • In 2008, as part of Land Rover's 60th Anniversary and the 100th anniversary of the Royal Charter being granted to The British Red Cross by HM King Edward VII, the company donated 60 vehicles to the charity.  Half of the vehicles were allocated to projects around the world and the other half were distributed throughout the UK.
  • Land Rover's association with the International Federation dates back to 1954, when Land Rover supplied a long‑wheelbase Series 1 to the British Red Cross for use in Dubai as a mobile dispensary.
  • Land Rover has six Global Humanitarian & Conservation Partners including; International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Born Free Foundation, Biosphere Expeditions, China Exploration & Research Society (CERS),  Earthwatch Institute and Royal Geographical Society (with IBG).


  • Thanks to the support of Land Rover, South African volunteers are working at the heart of the HIV epidemic, transforming the lives of some of the world's most vulnerable people. The programme helps through:

        ‑ Home based care for people living with HIV.

        ‑ Practical and emotional support to orphans and vulnerable children who have lost their parents or carers to HIV.

         ‑ Improving access to food, water and sanitation and levels of nutrition.

         ‑ Raising awareness of HIV and prevention.

         ‑ Supporting access to testing and treatment.

  • Nutrition is vital for people with HIV to have good nutrition to ensure they stay healthy. Red Cross volunteers help by assisting with income generation projects such as chicken farming or helping with crop growing, leading to better nutrition for those affected by HIV.
  • Carers in the home ‑Since volunteers are local, they're often the only carers able to look after people who would otherwise have no support. They help people living with HIV in many ways, including providing basic homecare and food parcels and helping access social welfare grants, and promoting access to sanitation and clean water.


Preventing Further HIV Infection

  • In Nujiang 716 female sex workers were provided with educational materials on further treatment and prevention of HIV.
  • 14,420 condoms were also distributed throughout the region to further prevent further HIV infection.

Support for families and injecting drug users

  • 14 support meetings were held for people infected with HIV, injecting drug users and their families. Over 150 people attended and were provided with psychological support and information.
  • 198 people attended support workshops for injecting drug users. The workshops aim to stop the spread of the virus amongst this high risk group, as well provide care and support to those already infected. Sessions included: the importance of using clean needles and avoiding sharing with other users; small business training for recovering drug users and 'My own story' group organized sessions for people living with HIV.

Promoting treatment, testing and access to social benefit

  • 26 people who are living with or potentially infected by HIV received home assistance and/or were accompanied to medical appointments. This involved Red Cross volunteers providing people with Anti Retro Viral drugs, carrying out blood count testing for people to monitor and manage the virus, accompanying at risk individuals to voluntary testing appointments and visiting people who have been hospitalised as a result of HIV.

Supporting livelihoods and promoting income generation

  • Training was organised for 23 people in Dehong and Kunming to start their own small business, so they can support themselves and their family.

Reducing Stigma and Discrimination

World AIDS Day in Kunming

  • From the 20 November to 5 December over 1,750 volunteers held a total of 29 events promoting HIV & AIDS awareness at numerous locations throughout Kunming, including university campuses, railway stations, and at local market days.
  • 37,800 people came into contact with Red Cross volunteers who held contests and games, delivered speeches and targeted the community with messages about HIV prevention.

World AIDS Day in Dehong

  • Two training sessions and community promotions were held throughout the Wubing region. The area is heavily infected with HIV and residents were targeted with messages about infection and how they can protect themselves.


  • 3FM is the Dutch public radio station organizing for the seventh consecutive year, the Serious Request action week. The public, including; individuals, schools and companies contributed to the event by requesting music to be played and by collecting money through creative activities.
  • VEHICLE SUPPORT: For the Serious Request campaign in 2010 Land Rover loaned 10 vehicles during the week of the event. Throughout The Netherlands the vehicles are used by radio and television personnel in order to visit all kind of local fundraising activities.  
  • COMMUNICATIONS: The 3FM Serious Request campaign reaches millions of people in the Netherlands. In 2010 new records were broken: the overall cross media reach was 11,3 million people (6,6 million radio, 7,6 television, 1,3 million unique visitors on internet).